The Castor Vali Group has been operating in Mozambique since 2012, providing both off and onshore support services to the International Oil Companies (IOC), commercial operators, governments, and NGOs in a variety of capacities. In early 2022, Castor Vali embedded a dedicated Country Manager who is supporting our clients across our broad range of services in Mozambique.

Assessing the Needs of our Clients
With the ever-changing operating challenges relating to the complexities of the political and security landscape throughout Mozambique, clients are requiring access to accurate, timely and verifiable information to allow for effective planning, threat mitigation solutions and operational delivery – we offer this through our dedicated and robust reporting platform: Security Information Services (SIS), headed up by our SIS team.
Value Recognition in the Community
Our SIS team recognises the significant value of utilising community-based sources throughout the region to provide a more granular and factual reporting capability that is less reliant on ‘open sources’. This information is meticulously verified prior to sharing with the broader client base.
The Mozambique SIS reporting package consists of:
- Daily Media Summaries (DMS): Sent each weekday morning, these summaries provide a round-up of major political, security, and economic events in Mozambique and the wider region from the day prior.
- Security Alerts and Advice Notes: Sent as and when intelligence has been received and verified, these alerts and advice notes notify clients of major events and incidents on an ongoing basis.
- Weekly Reports: Sent at the end of each week, these reports sum up and analyse the major security (terrorism and crime), socio-economic and political/electoral events in the country.
- Monthly Security Reports: Sent at the beginning of each month, these reports assess the major security events and trends from each month, supported by comprehensive statistical analysis, graphs and maps.

More Information
You can find out more about our range of Security Information Services here or contact us for more information at for additional services in Mozambique and across the continent.