Since 2016 Castor Vali has been a proud sponsor of the Enfield 8000 ‘Flux Capacitor’, a long forgotten British electric relic. Jonny Smith, is the proud owner of the world’s quickest (and possibly fastest), road worthy, electric car with full MOT and tax. As a basis for comparison this car is as quick as an £800,000 Porsche 918 Spyder.
The car was featured in GQ Magazine: “Back in 1974, the Enfield accelerated from 0-30mph in 12.5 seconds. Today: 0-60mph in less than 3 seconds and 0-121mph in 9.86 – a world record for a road-legal EV. It out-accelerates the McLaren 650S and even Porsche’s 918 Spyder over the standing quarter mile.”
Being involved in this project is great fun for the team at Castor Vali, but it also helps draw attention to the more serious message of sustainability.