On the 27th January 2021 – The ‘Doing Business with Kenya Guide’ was officially launched. Castor Vali is proud to be a part of this publication.

The guide is produced by International Market Advisor, in partnership with the Institute of Export & International Trade, and with support from the British High Commission Nairobi and British Chamber of Commerce Kenya.

Doing Business with Kenya cover

The Objective of Doing Business with Kenya Guide

A recent joint press release highlighted: “The main objective of this Doing Business with Kenya Guide is to provide businesses with a basic knowledge about Kenya. An overview of its economy, business culture, potential opportunities and to identify the main issues associated with initial research, market entry, risk management and cultural and language issues. We do not pretend to provide all the answers in the guide, but novice exporters in particular will find it a useful starting point.”

Lawrence Clinton, Castor Vali’s Chief Operating Officer states: “This guide is a great initiative, to support the bilateral trade between the UK and Kenya. Castor Vali is delighted to feature so prominently within the guide as the only security/risk management provider.”

Choosing the Right Security / Risk Management Company for your Business

We know there is a lot to consider when setting up an operation or business in a new country. Kenya is a country of opportunity; it also presents a number of complex security challenges for the unprepared. There are an estimated 3,500 security companies in Kenya. This presents a bewildering number of options for those seeking support in the region.

However, amongst this cohort are only a small number of security risk management companies. This number reduces further when you define which of these companies adhere to international risk management standards and UK levels of compliance. Out of these options, only two companies have their head offices in the UK; one of which is Castor Vali Africa, based in Nairobi, as part of the Castor Vali Group.

The guide provides information about Castor Vali’s main service areas within Kenya. Furthermore, it also details all of our regional offices and includes a four-page case study about Castor Vali.

Doing Business with Kenya guide case study

For more Information

For more information about the guide, or on how Castor Vali might be able to assist your new or ongoing business operations in Kenya, please feel free to emails us: info@castorvali.com

To find out more about Castor Vali and how we can help you, contact us today ....