Castor Vali Services Nigeria (CVSN) welcomes the opportunity to facilitate the acquisition of skills through direct work experience for students from Nigerian universities during the course of their studies.
The SIWES scheme is a tripartite programme uniting students, universities, and employers. Participation in Industrial Training is a well-known educational strategy, where classroom studies are integrated with learning through hands-on work experiences.
CVSN accept students for 6 months, providing them relevant on-the-job training, as part of a planned and structured programme based on specific individual career objectives. By integrating leadership development activities during this experience, we hope to encourage students to actively engage in the security and risk management industry as a professional career objective.
During this scheme, the student is further exposed to work methods and techniques in the CVSN workplace whilst developing occupational competencies and preparing them for work in the real world. This experience is designed to smooth the transition from school to the working environment, facilitating an easier career journey for later job placements that benefit both the employee and the employer.
If you have any questions about the SIWES scheme, please do get in touch with us at If you wish to apply to participate in the scheme visit the SIWES website for more information. Please note that Castor Vali does not accept applications directly from students.